Friday, February 13, 2009

U.S. to Offer Spare Airline Parts Sales to Syria

U.S. to Offer Spare Airline Parts Sales to Syria, Officials Say, was an article written by Jay Solomon of the Wall Street Journal.

Our new administration in Washington are now allowing the sales of spare parts to Syria’s national airline, which they hope to start easing their relationship with Syria.

The Bush administration passed Syria Accountability Act into law on December 12, 2003. Syria Accountability Act is to penalize Syria for their engagement with militant groups in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.

President Barack Obama made it clear that they will directly communicate with Syrian President, to stabilize troubled areas in the Middle East.

The Commerce Department is now given the right to grant limited waivers to companies to sell spare parts to the Arab Airline. With the sales of spare parts, these companies are warned not to violate U.S. Laws.

The President of Syria has stated that Obama’s administration has given the final decision and the Transportation Ministry says that U.S. Commerce has given grants to Boeing, to fix two aircrafts that have been out of service for a year. The U.S. government has not denied nor confirmed these allegations.

This article is well worth reading, because we seem to forget about what we have been through with the Middle Eastern countries. We are, right now, blinded by stimulus packages and economic chaos which is being covered exclusively. This article gives us some very important information about the past issues that were during the Bush Administration and the present plan for building relations with these Middle Eastern nations. Syria Accountability Act, stated purpose, is to stop Syria from doing illegal actions against U.S such as, the illegal importation of Iraqi oil and to end illegal shipment of military items to anti-US forces in Iraq. What the Obama administration is now offering to Syria, might create more jobs for airline companies, but are we ready to move forward with these actions with Syria? Can we trust them?

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