Friday, May 15, 2009

Reply to "Justice for all"

Justice for all argued about the need of health care for gay married couples. To legalize gay marriage has always been a hot issue but yet, no one seems openly discuss over the issue including many politicians. Total 5 states in the United States allow gay marriage by law. Sooner or later, gay marriage will be legalized by federal law. This is not the end to the solution. Discrimination to minority sexuality will still exist. The author of “Justice for all” insists that we should eliminate other systems which are against legal gay married couples. The author points out that most of gay couple are excluded from company benefits which is one example of discrimination. Even if they are fortunate enough to be eligible for coverage, they are still charged at the higher rate. We have to consider this point that by passing the law which allows gay people to marry means that the state and local government proves them to formulate a family. We have to look at this minority group and treat them the same as ordinary American families. I agree with this author, that if same sex marriage is ok by the law, then the government should provide essential things for a family regardless of there being two mothers or two father in that family. Taking care of their health and their family is a very basic need. It should be guaranteed by the government once gay marriage is approved. Equal liberties, equal rights, and civil rights must be accomplished in conjunction to approving a gay couple to marry.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Voter Identification Bill

I have a clear memory of my very first vote as an U.S citizen, which was the 2008 Presidential Election. It was a completely different process compared to the country where I was born. When I was in my birth country, all I needed was a photo identification card, which is not same as a driver’s license. It’s like an identification card issued by state, which contains the information about you, such as, social security number, residential address, date of birth including your photo on it. However, we did not have anything called a “voter registration certificate”. Since someone has an identification card issued by state or country, it means that they have a right to vote in my birth country. But, U.S citizens who want to vote must register for a voter registration certificate. I think that this process is a necessity in the diverse country like the U.S. But there should not be any additional card or certificate.

Recently, several Republican Senators from Texas bring their concerns over voting fraud. They have suggested a “Voter ID Bill” to protect the integrity of the voting process. On the other hand, Democrats oppose the bill, because Republican is attempting to eliminate the potential Democrat’s supporters, who are mainly the elderly, ethnic minorities and the poor people by requiring a new voter’s identification card. It’s not only a hassle to this particular group of people, but also students, military personnel, who are physically out of state but hold their residency in Texas. These voters also have to be reconsidered.

I have heard that there is a potential risk of a computerized voting fraud. However, some Senators insist that there might be fraud over the process of voter registration certificates. If someone has the ability to swindle the voter registration certificate and driver’s license, they definitely can manipulate the coming up voter identification card. Texas has lowest voting rates in the country.

Senators from Texas dispute about the need for a new voter registration card. They say if we do not have additional requirements, then it will jeopardize our future elections. What do they really want? I thought politicians were trying to increase the amount of voters but by creating and passing this bill will discourage Texans and this is an attempt to disenfranchise voters. We know that all political parties want to win the majority vote. They will do anything in their power to allow it happen, even though it is not an efficient method.